A lot of people say that there isn’t much to do in Northeast Ohio. Let’s prove them wrong this holiday season.
One of my favorite memories is going to a local historic home every Christmas to see the decorations. However, a lot of these little homes are overlooked and forgotten by their own communities. They often have a hard time reaching beyond their front doors to find people like you.

Here’s a list of 12 places to see in Northeast Ohio. All of them host some sort of holiday event or tour and are definitely worth your attention. These organizations are all non-profits and do amazing work. Be sure to go out and do some exploring!
Don’t live in Northeast Ohio?
That’s fine! Do some googling. (it’s really easy! Just put in “historic homes near me” in Google Maps.) You can also find a lot of these organizations on Facebook.
Hower House
Akron, Ohio
First Ladies National Historic Site
Canton, Ohio
Five Oaks/Massillon Women’s Club
Massillon, Ohio
Lakewood Historical Society
Lakewood, Ohio
Old House Guild
Sandusky, Ohio
Perkins Stone Mansion
Summit Historical Society
Akron, Ohio
Reeves Victorian Home
Dover, Ohio
Salem Historical Society
Salem, Ohio
Spring Hill Historic Home
Massillon, Ohio
Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens
Akron, Ohio
Victorian House Museum
Holmes County Historical Society
Millersburg, Ohio
William McKinley Presidential Library and Museum
Canton, Ohio
I hope that you get a chance to visit your local historic home, museum, or society for the holiday season. These organizations work hard to preserve our history and need your support.
All of these organizations are within an hour and a half driving distance from me. I hope that you’ll explore organizations in your local area. Have some wonderful holidays in Northeast Ohio.
Have a wonderful holiday season!