50 Things to be Thankful For…

In celebration of Thanksgiving in the US, I’ve put together a list of simple things that I’m personally thankful for. I know some of these things you’ll also be thankful for, and some you won’t be. That’s because all of us have different examples.

Take a moment to be grateful for the amazing things in our lives.

I hope you’ll take a moment to think about the things you’re grateful for in your life, even if they’re little.

  1. Sunny Days
  2. Running Water
  3. Soft Pillows
  4. A Voice that Speaks and Sings
  5. Cute Dresses
  6. Lit Lanterns
  7. Food in the Fridge
  8. Amazing Friends
  9. A Fulfilling Job
  10. Fresh Water
  11. A Warm House
  12. Lights that Turn On and Off
  13. Ears that Hear
  14. Music to Sing (whether that’s well or badly with friends in the car)
  15. Quiet Nights
  16. Family (Crazies and all)
  17. The Ability to Speak with Lots of People Everyday
  18. A History
  19. Warm Scarves
  20. Eyes that See
  21. Laptops and Notebooks to Write
  22. Cameras to Capture Life’s Moments
  23. Fuzzy Blankets
  24. Summer Grass
  25. Fun Tights
  26. Morning Fog
  27. Chocolate
  28. Vintage Hats
  29. Tall Trees
  30. Books, Books, and More Books
  31. Ohio Seasons
  32. Ice Cream
  33. Legs that Walk
  34. Heat in the House
  35. Good Smelling Candles
  36. Clean Air
  37. Winter Boots
  38. Public Historians
  39. My Grandma’s Jewelry
  40. Crochet Hooks
  41. Hot and Iced Coffee
  42. Red Lipstick
  43. Old Buildings
  44. Hans (My Car)
  45. Fingers that Write
  46. Blooming Flowers
  47. Pink and Orange Sunrises and Sunsets
  48. Birds Singing in the Morning
  49. Hot Tea
  50. Loved Ones Who Support Me

I hope you’ve all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and have stopped to take a moment to be grateful for all things in your life, big and small.