Character Inspiration: Pre-1900 Serial Killers

Looking for a little dark inspiration? How about some serial killers to inspire the next crazy story or mystery you’re writing? Or maybe you’re just curious.

All of these serial killers come from before 1900, all the way back to ancient times.

Need some inspiration for a murder mystery? Check out these real serial killers from before 1900.

Families and Partners

  1. Annik, Klaas and family
    1. Dutch robber murderer with his wife Aarne Spanjers and son Jannes, Klaas and Aarne were put to death after a controversial trial
    2. 1710-1775
  2. Burke, William, and Hare, William
    1. Scottish men who murdered to sell the corpses for dissection at anatomy lectures during
    2. 1827-1828
  3. Clarke Brothers, Thomas and John
    1. Australian bushrangers and killers that committed a series of high-profile crimes that required Australia to pass a law that introduced the concept of outlawry and authorized citizens to kill bushrangers on sight
    2. 1840s-1867
  4. Martin, Pierre and Marie, with Jean Rochette
    1. owners of the Red Inn who killed  up to 50 people and were rumored to serve their intended victims meals containing the bodies of previous victims
    2. put to death in 1833


  1. Benders, John, Elvira, Kate, John Jr
    1. Kansas family of serial killers who were spiritualists and ran a general store, killing travelers
    2. exposed as killers in 1873
  2. Bourne, Geordie
    1. Scottish Bandit who confessed to killing 7 Englishmen and had lain with 40 men’s wives
    2. died 1597
  3. Castaing, Edme
    1. French physician thought to be the first person to use morphine to commit murder, killing wealthy lawyers
    2. 1796-1823
  4. Diaz de Garayo, Juan
    1. Spanish serial killer who attacked women and a young girl, starting with killing prostitutes after hiring them and sleeping with them consensually
    2. 1821-1881
  5. Garnier, Gilles
    1. French hermit, cannibal and serial murderer convicted of being a werewolf
    2. died in 1573
  6. Green, Samuel
    1. US serial killer and robber believed to be possessed by a demon by his parents and was considered America’s first “Public Enemy Number One”
    2. 1796-1822
  7. Helm, Levi Boone
    1. American West serial killer also known as the Kentucky Cannibal, known to eat flsh from the bodies of enemies and traveling companions to survive
    2. 1828-1864
  8. Hutchinson, Lewis
    1. Scottish immigrant to Jamaica, a doctor who would shoot at lone travelers, dismember them and then throw the remains into a sinkhole
    2. 1733-1773
  9. Johnson, John “Liver-Eating”
    1. American Mountain Man who went on revenge killings after Crow warriors killed his Flathead wife, murderer, scalping, and eating the livers of supposedly 300 Crow warriors
    2. 1824-1900
  10. Lacenaire, Pierre Francois
    1. French poet and murderer who considered being in and out of prison his “criminal university” and defended his murders as a valid protest against social injustice
    2. 1803-1836
  11. Mudgett, Herman Webster
    1. More often known as H.H. Holmes, and American serial killer who confessed to 27 murders and who owned “The Murder Hotel” during the 1893 World’s Fair
    2. 1861-1896
  12. Pearce, Alexander
    1. An Irish thief who committed murder and cannibalism with his companions as he tried to escape prison
    2. 1790-1824
  13. Pomeroy, Jesse Harding
    1. Known as the youngest person in the history of the Commonwealth of Massachusettes to be convicted of murder in the 1st degree at the age of 15, crimes committed when he was 13
    2. 1859-1932
  14. de Rais, Gilles
    1. French Baron and knight, companion-in-arms of Joan of Arc, who confessed to being a serial killer of children
    2. 1405-1440
  15. Romasanta, Manuel Blanco
    1. Spain’s first documented serial killer, claiming that he suffered from a curse that turned him into a wolf, although Queen Isabella II commuted his death sentence  to investigate claims of his lycanthropy
    2. 1809-1863
  16. Rulloff, Edward H
    1. known as “The Genius Kill,” murderering his wife and daughter, and a clerk who attempted to stop a robbery Rulloff was involved in
    2. 1819-1871
  17. Schmidt, John
    1. The Bluebeard Murderer, German-born US bigamist who serially adopted new aliases, married, and killed his wives
    2. 1855-1906
  18. Seon, Yi , Crown Prince Sado
    1. Korean Prince who frequently killed palace staff to release his emotions
    2. 1735-1762
  19. Strumpp, Peter
    1. German farmer accused of werewolfery, witchcraft and cannibalism
    2. died 4589
  20. Vacher, Joseph
    1. Considered the French Ripper, had a scarred face, accordion and plain, white, handmade rabbit-fur hat was his trademark and killed 11-27 people, most of whom were farm workers
    2. 1869-1898


  1. Bateman, Mary
    1. English criminal and alleged witch “The Yorkshire Witch,” tricked her village into believing the end times were coming when a hen began laying eggs with the phrase “Christ is coming” on each one
    2. 1768-1809
  2. Cotton, Mary Ann
    1. English serial killer, popularly known as one of the earliest female serial killers (inaccurate) who killed husbands and children
    2. 1832-1873
  3. Dean, Whilliamina “Minnie”
    1. a New Zealander baby farmer convicted of infanticide and the only woman to receive the death penalty in New Zealand
    2. 1844-1895
  4. Dyer, Amelia Elizabeth
    1. English killer who is thought to have killed more than 400 babies in a 20 year period, was a nurse, wodow, and then turned to baby farming- the practice of adopting unwanted infants in exchange for money
    2. 1836-1897
  5. Cannon, Lucretia Patricia “Patty”
    1. illegal slave trader who operated what became known as the “Reverse Underground Railroad”, kidnapping free blacks and sending them back to slavery and killing them,
    2. c. 1760-1829
  6. Gottfried, Gesche Margarethe
    1. German Angel of Bremen, who nursed and cared for her friends and family members who she was poisoning, the last person to be publically executed in the city of Bremen
    2. 1785-1831
  7. Gunness, Belle
    1. Norwegian-American killer who was “caught” when her farmhouse burned and the headless body of a woman and three children, initially identified as Belle and her children, but was never confirmed, along with 11 additional remains found
    2. 1859-1908
  8. Halliday, Lizzie
    1. Irish-American murderer considered “The Worst Woman on Earth” for killing multiple family members and was the first woman sentenced to die in the electric chair, she spent the rest of her life in an asylum
    2. 1859-1918
  9. Jégado, Hélène
    1. French domestic servant who killed some of her employers and household members, which she said gave her a sense of power
    2. 1803-1852
  10. de Jesus, Luisa
    1. Portugese woman who was accused of murdering 33 abandoned children taken from the “foundling wheel” and the last woman executed in Portugal
    2. 1750-1772
  11. Kelly, Dorcas “Darkey”
    1. Irish brothel-keeper who killed a shoemaker and 5 men’s bodies found in her brothel
    2. died in 1761
  12. Kyteler, Alice
    1. Irish woman, the first modern witch trial and was accused of killing her first and fourth husbands
    2. 1263- post 1325
  13. LaLaurie, Delphine, Madam Blanque
    1. new Orleans Creole socialite who was caught torturing and murdering her slaves when her house caught on fire
    2. 1787-1849
  14. Locusta
    1. A notorious Roman maker of poisons and a favorite of Emperero Nero who was executed by his sucessor, Galba
    2. 1st Century
  15. Monvoisin, Catherine
    1. French Fortune Teller, commissioned sorcerer, and professional provider of Sorcery
    2. 1640-1680
  16. de los Rios y Lisperguer, Catalina
    1. Spanish-Chilean noblewoman investigated for the deaths of 40 servants and slaves on her property
    2. 1604-1665
  17. Saltykova, Darya Nikolayevna
    1. Russian noblewoman who became notorious for torturing and killing more than 100 serfs, mostly women and girls
    2. 1730-1801
  18. Tofana, Guilia
    1. Italian Professional poisoner who provided women with ways to murder their abusive husbands
    2. died 1659
  19. Toppan, Jane
    1. Also known as Jolly Jane, born Honora Kelly, a nurse who confessed to 31 murders and claimed to gain a sexual thrill from patients being near death, coming back to life, and dying again
    2. 1854-1938
  20. Zwanziger, Anna Maria
    1. German housekeeper who poisoned several of her employers and nursed them back to health to gain their favor, killing 4 people
    2. 1760-1811