WIP Update: Mannequin

I’m one of those people who likes to work on multiple projects at once. It often makes me struggle with completing things quickly because I bounce around so much. But I decided to celebrate the very end of Pride Month by sharing one of my WIP (Work In Progress) pieces.

This past week, I’ve had the chance to work on my writing a few times. Unfortunately, what has my attention is my Mannequin, the M/M romance I’m working on based in the early 1800s. (Instead of working on blog posts for you.)

I love history, and I love diverse romances. What I don’t love is how depressing most historic LGBT+ romances can be. Obviously, people in the LGBT+ community have dealt with persecution throughout our history, although in a variety of ways. At the time that Michele and Jasper are living, the term homosexual isn’t used. The understanding of sexuality was very different throughout our history (my personal favorite is the term “mollies,” from the UK, which I highly suggest you look up. Unfortunately, the term “molly” is mostly out of use in the mid- to late-1700s, and I haven’t found much info on it being used in the US.)

So instead of a post that I’m pulling out of nowhere, I thought I’d share with you what I’m working on right now.

As a note, my WIP posts will always be in whatever state my current project is in. That means it’s unedited, there are probably typos, and I will be changing things as I continue.


“So she knows about you?”

“Oui,” I turned the next corner. “She sells sex. She doesn’t care if that is to men or women and who their chosen partner is. Usually has a young man or two working for her. Tried to get me when I was first in the city. Thankfully, Louis found me before I became too desperate. She treats her girls well. Much better than Madam Isabelle the next street over.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Although, I hope that I won’t have to go searching for sex,” he stopped me again, this time pinning me to the wall.

“Monsieur,” I tilted my head to the side, attempting to look coy. It was a flirtatious look I’d perfected over my time as a mannequin, but I wasn’t sure if it would work in real life. “Are you propositioning me?”

“No,” he ran fingers along my lapel. “But I am hoping I can convince a handsome young man into my bed.”

“Do you really think I’m the type to just jump into bed with any man?” I kissed him briefly before ducking under his arm, “I expect to be wined and dined by a man of your status. Until then, I shall retire to my own bed.”

I moved towards the side door of Louis shop but was stopped with a grasp of his hand.

“Then when shall I see you again?”

I paused, a little surprised that my ploy had worked. I wasn’t sure if he’d keep pursuing me if I wasn’t putting out anymore. He pulled me back to him.

“What about Monday? I have a room and could ask them to send food up. Then it would just be the two of us.”

“I have to work Monday. Tuesday?”

“Tuesday it is,” he nodded immediately. “I’m at Hotel Duval.”

“Oh, look who’s fancy,” I teased, although the hotel wasn’t one that you’d see the aristocracy frequenting.

“Hush,” he leaned against me a bit, pushing me into the wall of the shop. “You’ll be there?”

“Oui, I’ll be there.”

The grin he gave me could have made my entire night. He kissed me again, completely and totally claiming all of my attention, before pulling away all too soon.

“Until Tuesday,” he murmured, pecking my lips one more time before pulling away and sauntering down the street and around the corner again. He looked like a man who’d just won something.

Me, on the other hand, I could just stare hopelessly after him as I waited for my heart to stop pounding before I could head in for the night.

I was outside much longer than I’d like to admit.


Share what you’re working on, your WIP, how you’re writing is going or anything else! I hope everyone has a great 4th of July week!