5 Iconic Things In New York City That Might Not Be Worth It

Are some of the things you just have to do in NYC really all they're cracked up to be?

I’m making this list as someone who’s been to these places and enjoyed them. However, if you’re planning on making many trips to New York City or have limited time in the city, these are things I suggest you seriously consider before going.

Are some of the things you just have to do in NYC really all they're cracked up to be?

Most importantly, think about whether you’re going because you really want to see them? Or because you actually really want to see them?

Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island

Don’t get me wrong. I love Ellis Island and I will probably go back to it. However, you have to be warned that to get to both of these places, you have to get on a ferry that goes to both of these.

What’s the big deal? It’s just a ferry!

To get on that ferry, you have to go through airport-style security. I’ve been lucky. When I went to the Statue of Liberty I was with a class, and they’d gotten us pre-approved. When I went to Ellis Island, it was the week between Christmas and New Years. The crowds were limited, but there was still about an hour long wait just to get on the ferry.

When I’ve been there at busier times, the line could easily take two hours.

If you’re going to these, I would suggest blocking out an entire day and hitting them both. But you will need to block out an entire day for these. (Plus, you should totally spend a lot of time at Ellis Island anyways!)

Do you really want to spend a lot of time going to the Statue of Liberty?

Times Square

I always love walking through Times Square. But after you walk through it once or twice, it’s not as exciting. It tends to be crowded to the point of not being able to move easily. The last few times I’ve been to New York, I’ve walked through Times Square once or twice, and it’s been mostly because I’m trying to get somewhere on the other side. 

This is also coming from the person who’s favorite hotel is literally blocks from Times Square.

My qualification is that you should definitely walk through if you’re in New York the week before Christmas and New Years. I spent a few days there and the place wasn’t nearly as crowded as it would have been normally during the summer. Plus, we were able to see the New Years Ball while it was being put up!

Times Square: center of New York City. But is it really all that it's cracked up to be?

Metropolitan Museum of Art/National History Museum

I highly suggest going there! But beware, these museums are HUGE! You can easily spend two or more days in them. Perhaps check out some tours that will focus you more and not take as much time. I will happily suggest the company Museum Hack for your touring needs (this is not sponsored). A friend and I went on their “Badass Bitches of the Met” tour and it was so much fun! We got to see a wide variety of artworks and had an amazing time with their guides.


Maybe it’s just me, but there are other Chinatown’s I’d rather visit (like San Francisco’s Chinatown). 

But maybe that’s just me.

I literally have no reason on why I dislike New York’s Chinatown. Maybe I need a local or someone to show me all the cool areas. But I’m just not a big fan of it.

But you do you.

Empire State Building

I’ve been to the Empire State Building twice now. The first time in a school trip (think 100+ 8th graders in a small space) and the second was the last time I was in New York. Both times, I’ve been able to get through their security fairly quickly (once again, lots of kids were pre-approved and traveling during the off season). The view is beautiful (if you get a nice day), and the exhibit in the house is great.

The Empire State Building is beautiful and has an amazing history. But do you really want to spend your limited time in New York there?

None of these are here to say not to go to these places. However, I’m a firm believer that if you’re only going to be in New York for a few days or a few hours, prioritize what you’d like to see. Don’t go to these places just because you think you should go. Find what interests you and do that!

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