
Alleys are often over looked, but I just love seeing them. I'm sure there's a reason

I love taking photos of alleyways.

I'm sure some therapist out there would be able to explain why I love alleys. I'll be honest, I don't really care why. I love taking photos of them.

If you follow my Instagram, I’m constantly taking photos of things with long lines, whether it be an actual alley or a lane lined with trees or stairs and railings.

Now, I’m sure there’s some psychiatrist out there who’d tell me why I like taking pictures of alleys. That I like the idea of a road stretching out ahead of me. Or that the clean lines relax some organized corner of my mind. (I’ll be honest, I’d love to find that corner if it’s there.)

I can’t tell you why I love these lanes and alleys and train tracks so much. Personally, I like to think it’s because of my love of travel. I love seeing a trail that will lead me somewhere.

Secretly, I also love being able to look back and compare the differences, and similarities, between cities.

No matter where I go, I find little alleys and nooks that show how we all try to irk out some tiny little bit of home. And those homes may look different everywhere we go. But at the same time, there are certain similarities.

I’m sure most of you have no idea why I’m sharing this.

Honestly, I don’t either.

However, I have pretty pictures and thought I’d share this little tid-bit with you all! A little bit of me, for you to get to know this person behind a computer screen. After all, isn’t this part of blogging and writing? Sharing bits and pieces of yourself with the world around you?

So now, you get to know something about me that I’m sure very few of my friends realize.

I love alleyways.

What unusual things do you love? Share with me in the comments below.

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